Investigating a Multilingual Five-year-old Child, Speaking Five Languages from the Perspective of His Mother: A Case Study


  • Ali Ceylan Manisa Celal Bayar University



Bilingualism, multilingualism, one parent one language, OPOL


In one way or another, almost half of the world's population is bilingual or multilingual, and multilingualism exists in every nation. Therefore, it is inevitable to conduct research into bilingualism. Accordingly, this study aimed at gaining deeper insight into the ways strategies, and challenges are for raising a bilingual child. A case study was conducted to achieve the objective here. The subject of the case is a child who is 5 and a half years old and has five languages in his repertoire. To analyse his case, an interview was conducted with his mother. As a result of analyses, it was found that the parents mainly adopted the One Parent – One Language (OPOL) method and there are some linguistic benefits for the child.


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How to Cite

Ceylan, A. (2024). Investigating a Multilingual Five-year-old Child, Speaking Five Languages from the Perspective of His Mother: A Case Study. Journal of Emerging Educational Studies, 1(1), 20–32.